Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ryan's Talent #1

If you know my husband, you know that he is a man of MANY talents!  What I lack in creativity, he makes up for 100 times over. This being said, I've decided to write about a few of his talents.  The first one I'm going to discuss is his knack for taking pictures & fixing them up in Photoshop.

Ryan enjoys taking pictures when he has a nice camera & lens to take them with.  He hasn't updated his camera in a while so he decided it was about time to get a new one.  The Canon Rebel is the hottest piece right now & he wanted to try it out to see if he liked it.  My uncle Perry was generous enough to let Ryan borrow his Rebel for a couple weeks to try it out.  Ryan also borrowed a fancy lens from my cousin Amy (http://amygerberphotobotique.com/) that fuzzed out the background to make the focal point more prominent (aperture for those of you who are camera savvy).

Now all Ryan needed was a poor sap...eer...willing model to pose for him.  Thankfully, his sister Jenna came to the rescue & volunteered her son Randy.  He hadn't gotten his 1 year pictures taken yet so she willingly gave him to Ryan for a couple hours one night.

All I can say is that for his first photo shoot with a snazzy camera & lens, Ryan did amazing! Oh, and Randy did pretty good too Enjoy!

I must say, this kid is ADORABLE & no I'm not bias just because he's my nephew!

Okay, truth be told, I might be a little bias because he's my nephew, but I'm gonna venture to say that no one out there can deny that this kid is pretty stinkin' cute!

Jarin wanted in on the fun so we snapped a quick picture of him too.  To quote his mother, "It might just be my favorite picture of the night." Go figure, isn't that how it always goes J

Honey, you did a SUPERB job!


  1. Wow! That camera is awesome. And I must admit that your other nephews are pretty stinking cute, too:) Great job, Ryan!!
    ~sarah q
    P.S. I'm a little hurt that you didn't want Quinn and I to be your models:P jk!!

  2. Great job, Ryan!! Those little guys are so adorable :)

    haha, like Sarah Q's comment :)

  3. Sarah & Sarah...yes I admit that my other nephews are ADORABLE too! I'm head-over-heels for those little guys, just ask Ryan :) & to be honest I'm pretty attached to ALL 10 of my nieces & nephews!

  4. Great Job, Ryan!! I may be calling you next year for a 50th anniversary pic :) Lori P

  5. I'm definitetly very excited to get these pictures ordered and on my wall!! Very Very good! Not sure if it's more the photographer or the SUPER cute kids!! Thanks!!

    The Proud Mom

  6. Great pics Ryan!! Yep, 2 pretty stinkin' cute kids ~ I love their smiles!! No biasness here ;o)


  7. i have a canon rebel and i LOVE it!!! i use it for everything! ryan did great! the pictures look awesome and you have some very cute nephews! :)

  8. i have a canon rebel and i LOVE it!!! i use it for everything! ryan did great! the pictures look awesome and you have some very cute nephews! :)
