Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's A...

We had our ultrasound last evening.  We found out that our official due date is April 21, 2013, which makes me 18 weeks & 2 days pregnant.  The ultrasound tech also said that she was as sure as she could be about the gender of the baby, but more about that later!  Here are a few pictures of our precious child!

Aw!  We think it's going to be the cutest baby around!

Face Shot (Kinda creepy if you ask us!)

Head, Spine & Leg
Ultrasound in progress.  Nikki did a great job taking our baby's pictures,
& Ryan did a great job taking pictures of Nikki taking pictures of our baby!
Now, we would like to announce that the gender of our baby is...A SECRET of course!  We don't even know!  So unless you get your hands on a certain sealed envelope, you will have to wait until April to find out what we are having.

Although, Ryan had a brilliant idea!  We may allow you to look in that envelope for a slight fee, and if you are able to keep it a secret until he/she is born, you will get some of that money back.  The extra money we have will go towards our child's college fund.  What do you think?  Anyone interested?!


  1. lol at Ryan's idea...that's a good one :)

    Also, I'm SO GLAD you got it in a sealed envelope - that way if you want to find out last minute you can! How exciting!

  2. LOVE him or her already!!!! and i think u should go 1 week late. i've heard april 28th babies turn out pretty fabulous:)
    ~sarah q

  3. So excited for you THREE!!! LP

  4. I can already tell by the ultrasound that he/she is a handsome/pretty little boy/girl, and I'm pretty sure and excited for his/her birth!
