Monday, April 7, 2014

Winter Jam 2014

Spontaneous!  Yep that's us.  We decided to go to Winter Jam a couple hours before the concert started.  Things just worked out!  We found a last minute babysitter for Leo & when we got there met this really nice youth pastor who had a couple of extra pre-bought tickets for the show.  He told us that we were welcome to sit with their youth group if we wanted to pay a little extra for better seats.  Why not, we decided & skipped the large line of people waiting to get into the coliseum & went straight inside & found our seats.  

(He later told us that we may not have made it into the concert because of how far back we were in the line.  One year their youth group went & stood in line for 3 hours.  It was very cold and most of the kids didn't have coats.  When they finally made it to the doors they were told that the concert was sold out & they couldn't come into the coliseum.  At this point, they informed us, 3 of the kids had hypothermia.  He told us that there were some very upset parents & so they decided to NEVER go without tickets again!  Needless to say we were glad we took the tickets!) 

Anyways, we ended up sitting with a bunch of high-schoolers and their chaperons, who made us feel right at home for 5 hours!  Yep, I said 5 HOURS!  We are CrAzY!

I told Ryan I didn't want to go because the last time I went I came away with
such a terrible headache!  Why didn't we think of earplugs in high school
when I went with my friends.  This made the evening so much more enjoyable!

Colton Dixon - We are huge fans of American Idol so it was
fun to see this 11th season top 10 singer in real life!

The American Idol judges would have praised Colton for his energetic
performance.  Jumping on the piano & belting it out would have 
been received with great raves from the judging panel I imagine!

Newsong - Hosts of the evening

Tenth Avenue North - Our favorite group by far!!
They have a lot of really great songs!

LaCrae - Not our favorite performance, but he did have a lot of
really neat thoughts to share with the audience between his songs.

We aren't really into the whole raising your hands thing, but LaCrae had a 
different perspective on it than I've ever heard before.  

He said that kids usually raise their hands toward their parents when 
they want to be held or need something.  It warms ours hearts to
see their expression of love; so of course God, our Father, would
want to see us, His children, reaching for Him as well.  
The poor person who sits beside me next Sunday in church.  Their temperature
might rise, quite quickly, if I'm feeling moved by the Spirit...juuust kidding :)  

The nights ended with the Newsboys. 
Their performance was by far the most entertaining.
Their lighting and stage presence was by far the most fun to watch.

On one song the guitar player's platform lifted off the ground and spun around
in circles.  It reminded me of the Wipeout at street fair.  I have no idea
how he managed to stay on his seat and keep drumming while spinning
vertically.  Then Michael Tait, head singer of the Newsboys, went out on
a lift and over the crowd while singing "God's Not Dead."  Impressive!

Some artists we enjoyed more than others, and we
probably won't be making this a yearly tradition; BUT, it was
enjoyable and spontaneous and a night away for just the 2 of us!

1 comment:

  1. i totally saw you guys been ushered in (while we were still waiting in line!). :) glad you enjoyed it. i wish i would have had ear plugs, it was SO loud. and agree to agree tenth ave north was by far the best. they are amazing in concert. if you ever have the opportunity to got to one of theirs, you must! they are so legit. :)
