Friday, October 10, 2014

Mr. Independent

Our little Leo is growing up and it's a little bittersweet.  We love watching him develop & learn, but it reminds us that life goes way too fast & we better appreciate the day-to-day as much as we can!

Mr. Independent

Mr. Attitude

Mr. Energy

 Before you ask, I'll quick explain the Amber Necklace.   The amber beads are suppose to help relieve teething ailments.  Leo's had his for not quite a week & I already think it's helping; he's been sleeping great the last 4 nights!!  He's got 6 more teeth to come so ask me in a couple months what I think & I'll let you know!


  1. Seriously!? You think the necklace is working?? I will be ordering one immediately! ;) Also, Leo is absolutely adorable!!

  2. he is just TOO CUTE!!!

    i need to get ordering one too :)
