Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January Recap

This is how we spent our first month of 2015!

We got to join in the fun for Emitt's Birthday!  Here's the cake we made for him.

The McDonald's slide was fun for ALL!

It wasn't quite as fun for the BIG kids!  
Let's just say those tight spaces are made for smaller bodies!


Otto played hard...

and got hot & sweaty! (I wish I looked that cute when I was hot & sweaty!)

Poor Leo did NOT want to leave.  There were tears folks! REAL TEARS!

We also started working on Leo's new room.  When we bought the house we slapped some paint on the walls & baseboards and left it set for 5 years!

As usual, Ryan's dad has been a HUGE help during this "renovation" project.

If you are like my dad, you probably think these colors are a little bit CrAzY!
Wait till you see the finished room, and then it should all make sense! (We hope!)

Ryan does a great job of sprucing up a boring wall!

 Our trip to Indy with my family is always lots of fun!

A growing family!!!

 I love how we cram around one table for breakfast Saturday morning!

 Elevator Fun

We were on the 8th floor this year and Leo loved the descent.

Peaceful end to breakfast for us after Dad took Leo for a stroll around the hotel.

Ryan finally decided it was time for Leo-Leo to get a haircut, so...

later at home we started buzzing!  Thanks to Ryan holding the iPad, it went way better than expected!

What a difference a little less hair makes!

I also spent time in the kitchen working on some new cupcake recipes!

 Funfetti Angel Food Cake Cupcakes!

Lemon & Blackberry Cupcakes

Minion Cupcakes

To end the month off, we hosted our first rotating potluck.  What a fun group we had! After supper we played Family Feud, and I'd say it's been a long time since I've laughed that hard!


  1. What a FUN-FILLED month! This month should be EXCITING too....can't wait to meet our newest family member!! Avi told me she is tired of being the youngest one around ;)

  2. Great recap! Thanks again for the amazing job you did on E's bday cake!

    And that potluck group looks like a fun one!

  3. I CAN NOT Believe you used such wrinkly tablecloths for potluck:)
