Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Green Thumb


This is what my barrel looked like last year.  Needless to say, I was pretty proud of myself for having such a green thumb!  I was extremely excited to see how great my barrel would look this year...


The first sign that this was not going to be a repeat of last year was early in June when 3 of my impatient plants died.  I thought, no big deal I still have 3 healthy plants left.  They should fill out the barrel nicely.  Problem was, they didn't take off quite like I was hoping.  Then a few severe storms rolled through & a few vacations passed & I came home to this.  NOT the overflowing, beautiful barrel I was hoping for.

Oh well...there's always next year!


  1. Hey look on the bright side! Your sidewalk looks AWESOME!! :) don't worry... my plants didn't last either!


  2. Oh Jame! Your such a green thumb!


  3. Our sidewalks are a great distraction from the pot. The pot will look good next year. We can totally blame it on the hot weather and the fact that our plugged gutter (because of our neighbors tree) dumps gallons of water a second drowning the plants when we get downpours which have been so frequent this summer.
