Thursday, August 23, 2012

Online Shopping

There are many reasons why I love online shopping.

  1. I don't have to leave my home.
  2. The retailer doesn't know what you look like, so I can have bed-head, cruddy teeth, be in my sweat pants & have several zits on my face and not worry about my concealer getting smudged off or the possibility that the cashier just won't stop staring at the HUGE zit that popped up over night!
  3. No hassle with overly helpful sales people...who really just end up being annoying!
  4. No LONG lines to wait in. 
  5. I don't have sudden splurges on cute shirts (or more likely shoes!) I just happen to walk past.
  6. The anticipation of my purchase's arrival makes me check the mail every day as soon as I get home from work, and when it does come...the whole day brightens & whatever problems I had vanishes in an instant!
  7. SIGH...the list goes on.
Well today, I was walking out my door & smack dab in the middle of my path sat this.

I was extremely confused, so I looked at the label to see if the UPS man accidentally got the wrong address.

(Addresses have been blurred to protect the innocent)

NOPE, not the wrong address.  Next, I started wracking my brain...when did I order a vanity light. Maybe Ryan ordered it for some reason & forgot to tell me, but it's coming from Wisconsin that's weird. MAYBE OUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION WAS STOLEN & they wouldn't have shipped it to our house.  Well, I did order Ryan's birthday present on Ebay yesterday, but that couldn't be it.  I bought it at 5:00 pm yesterday.  There's no way it'd be @ my house by 2:00 today.

I didn't have time to investigate so I picked up the box & deposited it inside the house.  I called Ryan on my way to the BKM Auction I was working at that night. He didn't seem to know what it could be either.

"We didn't have anything on back order when we re-did our bathroom did we?" he asked.

"I don't think so," came my reply.  "The only thing I can think of is your birthday present that I ordered online yesterday, but I can't imagine it would make it from Wisconsin to our door step in one day.  I only paid $15 for shipping & it was a BIG box! When I get home I'll open it up & see"

After the auction I cut open the tape & sure enough, there was the bill for my purchase.  I promptly told Ryan not to look in the box.  Poor guy has to wait for 2's driving him nuts already I can tell J

So anyways, I add one more reason to my list.

    8.  Extremely fast shipping if you order from Anne in Wisconsin!

Oh online shopping, how fun & exciting you are!


  1. That Anne from Wisconsin is on the ball!

    Cute post - glad you figured it out. Now after Ryan's bday you will have to tell us all what was in the box - you have me curious!

  2. oh my word--seriously? that is outrageously fast! :)

  3. Will you please text me what it is? I can't stand the suspense!!! Lori P

    P.S. and you know I won't tell :)

  4. This sounds like something I would do. That was too cute!! Don't forget to tell us what it is!

  5. That's awesome! Now we are all wondering what is in the box. ;o) I love when my diapers and formula show in 2 days on my door step. It is the BEST thing ever!

  6. Ya good one honey! I should have opened it when I got home before you and u said I could because u were sure it couldn't be my present already. You've got me stumped. its a little heavy and multiple pieces from hearing it rattle. Now I've got to decide on a gift for you.
