Monday, August 13, 2012

Pressure Washer

We woke up Saturday morning to the sound of a loud motor running nearby.  It didn’t take us long to figure out what was making so much noise in our usually peaceful neighborhood. Our neighbor lady had hired a guy to power wash her siding.  Great ambiance for our one day at home together!  We didn’t let it get us down though & dove into our normal Saturday routine. 

Our bathrooms needed some attention so I started in on that fun project while Ryan went outside to do some yard work.  With my bathrooms sparkling clean, I moved on to the next task…grocery shopping.  Ryan was mowing the yard as I left.

Ten Minutes into my Wal-Mart run, my phone rang.

Ryan: “Honey, do you care if I call your dad & ask him if I can use his power washer?”

Hmm…I wonder where he got this idea?

Me: “I don’t care. Whacha gonna do?”

Ryan: “Well the sidewalk is really dirty. I think the power washer would do a good job cleaning it. I tried using bleach but that would take forever.”

Me: “Sure, whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

After making a few phone calls Ryan was able to get a power washer. (Turned out my dad’s pulled too much power for our outlets so we had to get one that plugged into a normal outlet.)

Power washer in hand, Ryan got to work.

Here’s what our sidewalk looked like before he started. (Keep in mind that our house is about 58 years old & the sidewalks probably haven’t been re-poured since the house was built.)

Here's what Ryan looked like for about 3 hours Saturday afternoon.

Who says work can't be fun?

And...drum roll's the final product!

And one more look at the before.

We won’t be winning any awards for the prettiest sidewalk around, but we’d have a pretty good shot at the cleanest sidewalk in the neighborhood!  Good work honey! 

I wonder what our neighbors will prompt us to do next weekend J


  1. WOW we need to try that out!!!! Our sidewalks look about like you "before" pictures!!! You have inspired me! (or rather inspired me to inspire my hubby to do it !) Did Ryan leave the "love" art??

    1. Yes he did...after I told him it'd be cute :)

  2. WOW...that really surprises me how clean that turned out. Looks great!!

  3. hey jamy i just found your blog! HOW FUN! love these awesomely clean sidewalks! go ryan!

  4. The saidwalk did say Jenna at one point as well. I'm very dissapointed that got redone!!
