Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Annual Camping Trip

So this is really only the second year we've been camping with our friends but you never know, it may become an annual event! Although the fact that over half of us were either pregnant or had a child may put a damper on camping next year!

A recap of last year...we were the new campers of the group & a little ignorant to the camping world.  We had a blast but happened to forget a few items (see previous post)!  We were very thankful for a nearby Wal-Mart & seasoned camping friends who happened to pack a few extra things. (Seriously, who thinks to bring an extra air mattress? Apparently, Preston is a very prepared individual J)

Needless to say, we were not going to make the same mistake this year.  We made a list & checked it twice...and then checked it a couple more times...until we knew we had everything.

Three days worth of camping necessities.

Deciding what vehicle to take to fit all our stuff inside!

First priority, setting up the tent!  Go Babe!

First breakfast: scrambled eggs w/cheese & sausages,
toast & mouth is watering just thinking
about how delicious it was!


Had a baby in our group for the first time.
You did great, Shiloh!
Chillin' & Chattin'

So much food!

Food we didn't have room for on our "food table."
Chandler has a tendency of doing this to food cooked over a fire.
He has been banned from cooking food for the whole group!


Corn Hole!
The Name Game!
Hamburgers cooked to perfection by Adam!

The whole group!
Adam being creepy with Andrew's flashlight.

Hard core camping girls at the Comfort Inn.  Best night's
sleep of the weekend if I do say so myself!
My handsome hubby & me!

We had such a great time & hope to continue this tradition!  Thanks for putting it together P&W!


  1. This looks like SO MUCH FUN (minus the camping...hehe).

    Thanks for posting pics and glad you were much more prepared this time :)

  2. Definitely a fun weekend! From the pictures looks like we did a lot of eating, chatting, and playing games... Typical Apostolics ;) thanks for the great pics!


  3. It was a lot of fun :} A lot of great food, that makes any occasion great. My wife is so wonderful! I pretty well just showed up, besides setting up our somewhat confusing 2 bedroom tent(thanks Nick) with front entryway the day before just so we didn't have any trouble, it was going to be getting dark when we got there.

  4. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Wish we could have been there!


  5. Wonderful pictures Jamy!! Looks like you all had a great time! What wonderful memories your making :) Laura
