Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birthday Bliss

Birthday's are always exciting, but you know what makes them even MORE exciting?  Sharing a birthday with your favorite person in the whole wide world, that's what makes them even MORE exciting!

Here's a little history for you!  Ryan liked me for several years before he actually asked me to marry him.  He's not a decision maker & marriage is one of the biggest decisions a person will ever make. (It is beat out, however, by deciding to become a follower of Jesus Christ for the rest of your life.  That is the biggest and most important decision a person will EVER make!)  So anyways, Ryan thought and prayed for quite a while about when he should ask for my hand in marriage.  A reassurance for Ryan was a text message his cousin, and best friend, sent him.  His cousin worked at my bank at the time and must have been doing something with my file because he happened to notice that my birthday & Ryan's birthday were on the same day!  He promptly sent Ryan a text that said, "you and Jamy Fiechter have the same birthday, ooh la la!!"  That was the sign Ryan needed and he wasted no time in asking for me.

It's kind of funny that neither one of us knew that about each other.  We had been in the same youth group for seven years but somehow never heard that little tid-bit before.  Ryan decided to share this little fact with me the first day we were together as an engaged couple.  October 22nd has never been the same since.  It's twice as exciting & twice as fun!  As a little girl I always wanted to know someone that shared a birthday with me.  Isn't it cool how God fulfilled that little girl dream many many years later.  Just goes to show you that we have a God that truly cares about us and is aware of every thought & desire of our heart.

Oh, and that cousin that pointed this surprising fact out to us has never forgotten to wish us a happy birthday on October 22nd!  He was the first person to remember yesterday.  He even beat Me & Ryan!  Cory, thanks for being a part of our life J

Here's a few pictures of our special day!

Birthday Boy
Birthday Girl 
Bandido's - We Get 2 Free Meals!!
Highly Anticipated Gift 
Remember This?
Still Not Sure What He's Getting
Just Realizing What He's Getting
A Croquet Set!
Ryan's Gift To Me.  He Always Does Such
A Great Job Finding the Perfect Gift!
After all the hype about his gift, Ryan was afraid he wouldn't like it.  I kept reassuring him that he would LOVE it!  He wasn't disappointed!  He's told me before that if I ever saw an older, used croquet set at a garage sale, I should buy it.  The older ones were made better than the new ones he informed me, so I kept an eye on Ebay & eventually won one that fit into my budget!  The only sad thing is that we have to wait until next year to use it!

Oh, & yes that is our new furniture you see in the background.  I will post picture of that finished room eventually.  We haven't given it the finishing touches yet so I'll wait till it's complete to post about it!


  1. Happy Birthday you two! Cute apron, Jamy (or should I say Ryan?)! Hope you celebrate many more together!


  2. Happy Birthday both of you!


  3. Didn't realize it was either of your birthdays last week! What a friend I am; Happy Belated Birthday!
