Friday, October 5, 2012

Marital Problems

When you're young & in love you don't think you will EVER be that couple with marital problems.  How in the world could that perfect guy you're marrying ever get on your nerves!  He'd do anything for you & you'd do everything for him, right?!  The first year of your marriage is as wonderful as you could ever dream.  Conflict, what's that?

Then, one day, maybe 1.5-2 years into your marriage, reality hits.  Mr. Perfect is not so perfect all the time.  He has some annoying habits that drive you nuts & you do things that frustrate & confound him.  All of a sudden your perfect world starts falling apart just a little bit.  You have to learn how to communicate & compromise, but it ends up being ok because you become a better wife & a stronger person because of it.

Then about 2.5 years into your marriage something happens that changes everything.  You never thought life would come to you going to bed by yourself.  Dinner time was always the highlight of your day, but now you both eat when you get hungry & lately, rarely sit down for a meal together.  Sometimes you wonder if life will ever get back to normal.

Finally, you decide that something has to change...but unfortunately, you realize that nothing least for 9 months that is!  Because, as I have found out, pregnancy makes me tired & ready for bed at 9:30 pm.  It also makes me extremely hungry by about 5-5:30 & I just can't wait till 6-6:30 when Ryan gets home to eat. Therefore, many nights over the past 11 weeks I've been eating before he gets home so I'm in a better mood when he does get home.  Feeling extremely hungry or tired, I've noticed, makes me grouchy & slightly really I'm doing all these "terrible things" for Ryan's benefit!  Oh, & he has told me many times that he doesn't care if I go to bed without him or eat without him.  He'd prefer me to be happy, cheerful & comfortable...isn't he just sooo SWEET!!!

We are very excited to announce that baby Steffen is due April 25, 2013!  We appreciate your prayers & advice for this new chapter in our life!

*** Details in beginning were slightly dramatized for your enjoyment ***


  1. Woohoo, so excited for you guys! Awesome Post!
    Love-Aunt Nellie

  2. Congrats! Such a cute way to share!

  3. YAY!! Still excited :) Griffin and Baby S will be great friends... I just know it!


  4. SUCH a creative post - love it! SO EXCITED for you guys! Love and Prayers!

  5. Contgrats!!!!


  6. So so excited!! Super cute post:)

  7. Even though I already knew what the ending was going to be, you still had me captivated by your story telling:) Congrats again!

  8. So I was a little worried, that people were gonna think we were having problems after this post so I ... "Honey, can u just leave me alone for a second I'm trying to comment on your post, no we don't have any more twinkies, I think one box a day is enough. Fine go to bed, but it's 3 in the afternoon. You probably need your rest especially while u can still fit through the door to get to the bed!" . . . so I just wanted to clear up that we are doing great and anticipating the arrival of our baby in April.

  9. Haha - you're too funny Jamy! So excited for you both!!
