Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Morning Mayhem


7:00 AM
 Is it really 7 already?  I guess I better get up and start getting ready for work.  I'll sneak out of bed so Jamy doesn't wake up.

Whew!  She didn't move, must be pretty tired this morning.  Well, I have an hour before I have to leave, maybe I should do some of my stretches.

7:30 AM
 I need to change.  I wonder if there's a Classic City Sign shirt hanging on our drying rack...Yep!  Perfect, now I don't have to rummage in the closet while Jamy's sleeping.  I do need my jeans though, I'll just sneak into the bedroom & quick grab them.  

Man, she didn't even move.  This pregnancy thing has turned her into a deep sleeper!  

Gotta shave & brush my teeth...

7:45 AM
I should probably start my car,  my windshield is frosted over & I don't really feel like scraping my windows.

Wonder what Jamy packed me for lunch...wait a second, why didn't Jamy pack my lunch?  That's weird, she never forgets to pack my lunch.  She didn't make my eggs either!  Guess I'll just have to throw something together.

Well that took longer than I thought it would, but at least I'm ready to go.

8:00 AM
Wonder why Jamy's not up yet.  It's getting kind of late, but I'm sure she knows when she needs to get up.  I won't bother her.  

Hmm, I need gas.  Better stop at Wal-Mart.  Won't make it to Auburn if I don't.

8:15 AM
(flips on the radio)  Huh, don't recognize this radio announcer.  Must be filling in.

8:30 AM
Should have told Jamy to get the Hobby Lobby receipt out so I can take back that stuff tomorrow on my way home from work.  I'll just call her.

No answer, she's probably getting ready for work.  I'll leave a message.

8:40 AM
(phone rings) She must have got my message.

Hi honey...


7:00 AM
( very groggy)  Wonder why Ryan's getting out of bed?  I thought he just went to the bathroom not long ago.  Must be the time change... he woke up & he's not tired any more.

7:15 AM
Sounds like he's doing his stretches...good for him!

7:30 AM
What's Ryan looking for on our bedroom floor?  Probably should ask him...oh he'll find it or ask me if he can't.

7:45 AM
Did I just hear the door open & close...yep there it is again...must have needed something out of his car...zzzzz!

8:15 AM
(finally wide awake)  Man, it sounds really quiet in here.  I should go see what Ryan's my alarm won't go off for 15 more minutes, I should just lay here and relax.

8:18 AM
It's too quiet I wonder if Ryan left.  (walking out to the kitchen) Ryan's not here & neither is his car.  Maybe he had to run to Wal-Mart for something.  I'll hop in the shower.  He should be back by the time I'm done.

8:35 AM
Ryan's still not back.  Maybe I should call him...No, I don't need to know where he is every second of the day.  He'll call if he needs me.  I'm hungry.  I'll eat my breakfast & then call him if he's still not home.  (filling my bowl with Frosted Mini Wheats) I didn't check my phone after my shower.  I bet Ryan called to tell me where he's at.

8:40 AM
"Hey, honey.  Could you get the Hobby Lobby receipt from the other night out and put it on the counter for me.  I think I'm going to go return some of the things we bought on my way home from work tomorrow.  Love you!  Oh yeah, you were really out-of-it this morning.  Love you, bye!"

What a weird voicemail.  Kinda sounded like he was driving.  Wonder where he could be & why he couldn't wait to tell me that until he got home....unless...NO, SURELY NOT!


RYAN:  "Hi honey."

JAMY:  "Hi...where ya at?"

RYAN:  "Exit 105"

JAMY:  (stifling my laughter)  "Um, it's Sunday..."

RYAN:  (in a not so funny tone) "What?!"

JAMY:  "It's Sunday."

RYAN:  "Seriously?"

JAMY:  "Yeah..."

Sorry honey, you will not live this one down for a while!  I've heard of people getting confused because of the time change, but this one takes the cake...although, I'm not even sure this had anything to do with the time change, but we must blame something so the time change it is!

 Moral to the story, if you think you should wake your wife because "it's getting late" just do it...or if you think you should ask your husband what he's looking for "on the bedroom floor," just ask him.  You never know what kind of morning mayhem you will prevent!


  1. Thanks for may laugh for the day! Pat

  2. Ryan is the man! I hope you weren't late to church.


  3. way. too. funny!! :)

  4. LAUGHING OUT LOUD!! Oh Ryan, that is SO funny! And I hope you weren't late for church, either.
    ~sarah q

  5. that last comment was me--alyssa :)

  6. Hilarious!! That is too funny!!!

  7. Amazingly, we made it to church by 10:15!

  8. I have my hand over my mouth...i am in shock! This did not happen!!! LOL oh. my. that is AWESOME!!!

  9. oh my word!

    laughing out loud! this is HILARIOUS.

  10. Thanks for being humble enough to share your mistakes. That is definately a story that will get shared twice a year for many years to come.

  11. Ya! a little embarrassing, but it seems like i do things quite often that could be characterized as that. Looking back I was really confused and there were so many signs that morning that didn't add up. But, when you are late for work, you need to more fast! I think from now on I'll kiss Jamy goodbye and tell her im on my way to work before I leave, just in case its Saturday or Sunday!
