Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trick Or Treat

I decided to wait a week to do my Halloween post because on Friday of last week, everyone was "Halloweened" out.  At some point you just don't care what other kids were wearing because you've seen so many costumes it just all runs together...

Okay, in reality I just didn't get around to posting anything last week and instead of revealing my procrastination, I thought I'd come up with an excuse!  If I was being truthful, I'd have to admit that it's just not possible for me to get tired of seeing kids dressed up in fun costumes.

By now I'm sure you all know that my husband is creative & likes to do things himself if he can.  Leo's costume, of course, couldn't be bought & must be put together ourselves.  I'm not complaining, it turned out adorable & it cost us right around $5.  I was all for Ryan's idea, and as usual, it did NOT disappoint!

For those of you who did not see this little guy show up at your door, I'd like to introduce LEO THE LAMB!  (I know, a lion would have been more fitting, but we didn't even think about that till the costume was made & we were already on the road.)

Grandpa Alvin

Grandpa Harry

Practically destroyed after the first round of Trick Or Treating;
thankfully it was easy to fix!

After day two, we decided to let Leo play in the leaves.  He loved it...

until he fell!

We had a few other visitors too!
The Minions!
The Ninja's
Can I be a ninja too?


  1. he was such an adorable little lamb!!

    LOVE the ninja's!! hilarious!

  2. oh my! he is the sweetest little lamb i've ever seen!

  3. We dropped a few cotton balls everywhere we went! To bad he perfected his bahhhh once we got home.

  4. He is so stinkin cute!
