Friday, January 24, 2014


It's been awhile, but I'm BACK!!  During the months of November & December I was a FULL TIME (except a couple days here and there) working wife & mom while my other half (Abby) was on maternity leave.  Thanksgiving, Christmas and everything in between made for two CraZy months.  You better believe I am glad it's over :)  I have a new respect for mom's who do this all the time, WAY TO GO!

January finally rolled around and things slowed down...way down!  I told myself I should go through pictures and blog but thinking about going through 2 months of pictures sounded exhausting, so I just let my camera & computer sit.  Finally today I decided I was ready to conquer!  Guess what I discovered?!  I really didn't have that many pictures to look through...oh yeah, I was so busy with everything the poor camera just sat rejected & alone most of the time!  Oh well, here is a very fast recap of the last couple months!

My Grandpa Fiechter thinks I need a haircut...

I don't know why?!

Daddy & Mommy think I'm pretty cute with my crazy curls!

We decided this was the year for our first artificial Christmas tree.  I for one,
was disheartened by this turn of events, but with a crawling child, it just made sense.
We didn't think through our decision to drive Ryan's car up to Ft. Wayne
to pick one out, though.  I think it took us 10 minutes to fit the box into our car
(I'm glad I couldn't read the minds of the customers walking by while we were
trying and retrying to fit this into our car.  My seating arrangement was far
from ideal for the 40 minute drive home.

Ryan was slightly cramped as well (notice the leg room).  We didn't get 
a picture of Leo, but he was perfectly happy & comfy.  His car seat 
was the reason we had trouble fitting the box in...KIDS!

Even though I was working, I decided I still wanted to make Leo's baby food.
No cringes with this veggie!  Turns out, squash slides right down!

Leo body decided it wanted to give him a Christmas present.  Don't
feel the need to give again next year, please!

Thankfully we caught the RSV quickly & only had to give him a couple treatments.
Thanks to Ryan's parents, we didn't even miss any of our Christmas gatherings!

Ryan & his boss made this cool name plate for Leo's room.  Ryan gave
it to me for Christmas even though it's not finished yet!

Attempt #1 at a family picture.

Attempt #2.  Turns out Leo is easily distracted!

As you would expect, Leo was more excited about the wrapping
 paper than the actual presents.  Next year will probably be a little different!

I love how big this stocking looks compared to him!

He did actually get a little excited about his stocking stuffers!

He finally, kind of got the hang of it!

Whoop, whoop for stacking bowls!

I'm a BIG boy now!

I would be so sore if I slept like this for 12 hours!

He didn't like the concept of playing in the pack-n-play at first, but 
we kept trying & he finally did okay!

The perks of running an office!  I can put whatever I want on the sign!
Because of the snow storm, this ended up staying on the sign for over a 
week!  My bank teller even wished me a happy anniversary :)

Trying to keep himself frostbite free!

This project took a while, thankfully our neighbor came & helped out!

"Mom, it's for you!"

"Do you really have to go to work Dad?!"

Mommy's big helper!!

Since I've last blogged, Leo has started crawling, eating finger food, waving bye-bye (kind of), pulling himself up & taking a few steps (if he's got a hold of something).  Ryan & I...well we're still happy, in love, enjoying life, loving our little boy & thanking God for all the blessings He gives us!  There you have it, our November, December & January so far.  We're leaving for Gatlinburg tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll post again SOON(er)!

1 comment:

  1. "kinda of"? I'd say he is definitely waving Bye-bye! So cute!

    He is just ADORABLE! Great recap. Have a wonderful and relaxing getaway!
